Das Blaue Wunder / The Big Surprise

“The water surface reflects the still, the moving, and the atmospheric surroundings – including a glimmering oversized golden hare perched atop a tall red pillar. Lily pads float on the water, but there are no fish. Nonetheless, the golden hare has a large blue plastic fish hanging from his outstretched rod, evoking the popular sort of miracle found in fairy tales, which the artist clearly had in mind.
Brummack’s hare – reminiscent of a chocolate Easter bunny wrapped in golden foil – is vividly real and fantastically surreal at the same time. The immediate spatial reality gives in to the bizarre surrealism and our imaginations color it with fantasy. It becomes an actual stage where the animal stands and fishes, and is accessible to us as viewers if we are able to imagine ourselves as extras in the production. Anyone with a more sober mindset will at least recognize that Brummack has created an entirely straightforward monument with his whimsical hare in honor of fantasy.”

Original German text: Gerhard Kolberg

Heinrich Brummack

geboren in Treuhofen, Neumark (Kreis West-Sternberg); 2018 gestorben in Schwäbisch Hall.
Lehre des Ziseleurhandwerks in Iserlohn. Studium der Bildhauerei an der HdK Berlin bei Paul Dirkes und Hans Uhlmann, an der Académie de la Grande Chamière bei Ossip Zadkine.
Villa-Massimo-Preis, Rom.
Villa-Romana-Preis, Florenz.
bis 2001
Professor an der FH Münster im Bereich Kunst, Design und Plastisches Gestalten.
Umzug von Westerkappeln nach Schwäbisch Hall.

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Schmallenberg, Kurpark Schmallenberg, am Kunsthaus Alte Mühle, An der Stadtmauer 4
Heinrich Brummack
Not specified
Steel, gilt bronze, plastic
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW