
The brickwork in the Italian town of Bocchignano inspired Jan Vormann to create Dispatchwork. He noticed that the medieval walls were always being repaired with the contemporary materials that were available, creating a charming patchwork over time. The artist has added Lego bricks to that list of materials, giving it a new range of color. During the Kultursommer 2009, he noticed numerous defects in the masonry around Arnsberg and drew attention to them with his playful “repairs,” developing a humorous aesthetic of the imperfect.
Since these little Lego sculptures were only loosely inserted into the masonry, it was part of the concept that they wouldn’t remain in place permanently. Instead, they would be “recycled” by falling out after a period of time and then used by observers for other “works.” Of the numerous interventions throughout the city, only the sculpture in the wall in the first photo remains in place. Because of the large international response to his work, Jan Vormann has created a website that provides an overview of his Dispatchwork and the works inspired by it: http://www.dispatchwork.info

Jan Vormann

geboren in Bamberg; lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.
Studium der Kunstgeschichte und architektonischen Denkmalpflege an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.
Studium Kunst und Bildhauerei an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee (Prof.: Bernd Wilde, Inge Mahn, Karin Sander).

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Arnsberg, Alter Markt 19, behind the Altes Rathaus
Jan Vormann
ca. 50 x 100 cm
Lego bricks
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW