drawing # 1

Spatial Drawing

drawing #1 is a “spatialization” of an expressive abstract drawing. One central aspect of this work is the process of continuously constructing and deconstructing spaces, forms, symmetries, and distinctions. From certain angles, many details of the sculpture appear to form distinct shapes: a prominent diagonal, a rectangle made up of several parts, a continuous cavity leading diagonally through the sculpture. These shapes, which isolate perception, are always in the context of other forms or destroyed by them. Unlike a two-dimensional drawing, this is emphasized by the fact that the viewer does not have a singular line of sight, but instead moves along the sculpture, creating ever-changing new perspectives.


The work is a spatialization, but also a radicalization of drawing: drawing #1 is made out of roughly 370 meters of a single, self-contained, continuous line that extends in all directions. Even without a discernible reading direction, it’s clear that everything visible in the work is part of the same sequence: every detail that one wishes to observe in isolation is part of the same line and makes reference to it, while influencing its spatial-visual effect (and is, of course, is a reference object of the same and other influences). This reflexive quality of the line has its own formal counterpart: when the line reaches the imaginary outer wall of a 430 x 215 x 108 cm rectangular block, it turns back into itself. On the outside, it forms a cuboid; inside, the sculpture is tangled and irregular.

Herbert Hofer

geboren in Wien; lebt und arbeitet in Wien.
Staatsstipendium für bildende Kunst, Österreich.
Artist-in-Residence FRISE Künstlerhaus Hamburg.

← Zur Startseite
Herne, Flottmannstraße 94, outside of the Flottmann-Hallen
Herbert Hofer
430 x 215 x 108 cm
16 mm reinforcing steel BSt 550 in a ca. 370 m long self-contained line, ca. 600 kg