Eine Sonne für Mülheim / A Sun for Mülheim

This sculpture is made up of multiple stainless steel rods that are attached to each other in the middle and fanned out to create a large spiraling starburst. Spanish artist Andreu Alfaro has produced variations of this formal principle in a number of his (often monumental) public sculptures. The result is graceful works that are static, but still appear to make dance-like movements.
A Sun for Mülheim is made up of a double starburst that reaches far out into the surrounding space. The way the rods overlap creates a sense of movement and contributes to how the shape and effect change based on where the viewer is standing. The individual rods seem to beam out into the space, so that the sculpture is not only self-contained, but also sends a positive stimulus of unfolding into the surroundings.
This work was commissioned as part of the new construction of the Heissen Gymnasium / high school.

Andreu Alfaro

geboren in Valencia;  2012 gestorben ebenda.
erste Einzelausstellung.
Seit 1958
Schwerpunkt Skulptur.
Goldmedaille des V. Internationalen März-Salons von Valencia.
Einladungen zur Biennale von Venedig.
Spanischer Nationalpreis für Plastische Kunst.

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Mülheim an der Ruhr
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Kleiststraße 50
Andreu Alfaro
not specified
Stainless steel
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW