Goldene Amphore / Golden Amphora

This oversized golden amphora is located in the middle of a traffic circle. It sits atop a stone-colored pedestal that looks as if it could have otherwise been used for a monument. In its elevated position, the shiny gold surface and antique shape make it seem overstated and pretentious.
However, the intended purpose and possible contents of this proudly displayed vessel remain unclear. With his Golden Amphora, the artist makes a lighthearted commentary on art – particularly in public spaces: resounding themes include cultural heritage, prosperity, and the need for representation. A metaphorical dance around the “golden calf” is performed here by the circling traffic.

Heinrich Brummack

geboren in Treuhofen, Neumark (Kreis West-Sternberg); 2018 gestorben in Schwäbisch Hall.
Lehre des Ziseleurhandwerks in Iserlohn. Studium der Bildhauerei an der HdK Berlin bei Paul Dirkes und Hans Uhlmann, an der Académie de la Grande Chamière bei Ossip Zadkine.
Villa-Massimo-Preis, Rom.
Villa-Romana-Preis, Florenz.
bis 2001
Professor an der FH Münster im Bereich Kunst, Design und Plastisches Gestalten.
Umzug von Westerkappeln nach Schwäbisch Hall.

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Ibbenbüren, Münsterstraße 201 (Second to last traffic circle before the autobahn entrance ramp)
Heinrich Brummack
Height: 240 cm, amphora diameter: 80 cm, pedestal height: 100 cm
Cast iron, gold leaf
Object type
Art in traffic cirlces
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW