O.I.C (Oh I See)

Richard Serra’s massive installation was installed as a private loan in the ruins of the Sylvesterkapelle at Haus Weitmar in 2012. The sculpture had already been created in 1999 for the exhibition Mostra di sculture in Rome, but this location gave it an entirely new context, which had a decisive influence on the form and content.
It is a two-part work made up of identical steel blocks. The two cuboids have been placed on the same axis, but one is resting on its long side and the other is upright. As such, they look like completely different elements, suggestive of an altar and a shrine in this setting.
Within the natural stone ruin from the 14th and 15th centuries, the massive, heavy steel cubes seem simultaneously like foreign bodies from an industrial age and like immovable and indestructible symbols of a timeless eternity.
In this way, they enter a conceptual symbiosis with their location, as the church was once also erected for eternity and has now become a sign of impermanence. The ruin and the sculpture both ultimately stand for contemplation, attentiveness, and reflection on transcendence.

Additional information: www.artibeau.de/2650.htm

Richard Serra

geboren in San Francisco.
Studium an der University of California in Berkeley und Santa Barbara sowie der Yale University in New Haven/Connecticut. Abschluss als Bachelor of Arts und Master of Arts.
Studienaufenthalte in Paris und Florenz.
Austellung im Guggenheim Museum in New York.
Auststellung auf der documentca 5 in Kassel.
entsteht in der Henrichshütte in Hattingen "Berlin Block for Charlie Chaplin" für die Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin.
Realisierung und Aufstellung von Großplastiken in New York, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, München, Otterlo, Bielefeld, Bochum, Reykjavik, Washington und vielen anderen Orten.
Richard Serra erhält in Duisburg den Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Preis für Skulptur.
Realisierung der "Lemgo Vectors" und der "Bramme" auf der Schurenbachhalde in Essen.
Bis heute realisiert Richard Serra Projekte in der ganzen Welt und gehört zu den bekanntesten Bildhauern der Gegenwart.

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Bochum, Haus Weitmar, Schlossstraße 1
Richard Serra
2 blocks: 80 x 96 x 112 cm each; weight 7 t each
Steel, massive
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW