Was war zuerst? (Hommage an Brancusi) / What Came First? (Homage to Brancusi)

From a distance, this work is initially perceived as a glaring reflection with an indistinct form. However, as hikers approach, they soon recognize an oversized golden egg in a small clearing near the edge of the forest. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that this initially surreal and fairy-tale-esque situation is actually a multi-layered sculptural intervention by artist Magdalena Jetelová.

This massive golden egg sets its surroundings into a completely new context. The sprawling landscape is suddenly and purposefully orientated towards the work of art – the landscape becomes the art space. It would be difficult for any hiker to resist its draw after noticing the glaring light from a distance. The egg as a symbol of life, its origin, and its cyclical nature also relate to the surrounding nature in terms of content. The question raised in the title also can’t be answered here – in this context of light, nature, space, and artwork.

The title makes reference to Constantin Brancusi’s 1920s sculpture The Beginning of the World , which is also a shiny egg on its side. Here, however, it is transformed into a monumental object and, when brought into the context of nature, takes on increasing significance.

Reference: www.waldskulpturenweg.de/skulpturen/was-war-zuerst/die-skulptur
Further reading: WaldSkulpturenWeg, ed. by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft WaldSkulpturenWeg, texts by Uwe Rüth, Cologne 2011.

Magdalena Jetelová

geboren in Semily (Tschechien); lebt und arbeitet in München, Düsseldorf und Prag.
Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Prag.
Studium an der Accademia di Brera, Mailand (bei Marino Marini).
Abschluss des Studiums wieder in Prag.
Förderstipendium der Stadt München und Umzug in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Teilnahme an der Documenta 8 in Kassel.
Gastprofessur an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München.
Professur an der Salzburger Sommerakademie.
Professur an der Staatlichen Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
Mitglied der Akademie der Künste Berlin.
Konsultantin des Rates der Prager Burg.
seit 2004
Professorin für Bildhauerei an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München.

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Bad Berleburg
Bad Berleburg, WaldSkulpturenWeg
Magdalena Jetelová
Height ca 650, diameter ca. 400 cm
Steel, synthetic resin with glass fiber, gold leaf