Zeitfeld / Time Field

Klaus Rinke created Zeitfeld / Time Field when the Düsseldorf Volkpark was being redesigned for the 1987 Landesgartenschau. The installation consists of twenty-four station clocks on tall supports. The field of four by six clocks transports the viewer to a surreal scene. All of the clocks are accurate, as they are connected to the Braunschweig atomic clock. Here, it becomes abundantly clear that time does not stand still – even while viewing art: it is impossible to observe all of the clocks at the same time. In turn, some amount of time will have always elapsed when the viewer looks from one clock or group of clocks to another. This fact may remind the observer that life is finite and irrevocably fades away, or of German punctuality, which guarantees impeccable operation. Either way, Klaus Rinke was the son of a freight train loadmaster and spent his childhood around train stations. He developed a penchant for these clearly designed time indicators at an early age and created a thought-provoking monument to them here.

Klaus Rinke

geboren in Wattenscheid; lebt in Haan bei Düsseldorf.
Ausbildung zum Dekorations- und Plakatmaler in Gelsenkirchen.
Studium der Malerei von 1957 bis 1960 an der Folkwang-Schule in Essen.
verschiedene Ateliers in Paris und Reims.
Rückkehr nach Deutschland (Düsseldorf). Rinke gab die Malerei auf, um sich ersten Wasserarbeiten ("12 Fass geschöpftes Rheinwasser“, 1969) und "Primärdemonstrationen“ zu widmen.
Performances und gemeinsame Ausstellungen mit Monika Baumgartl.
Förderpreis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen für Bildende Kunst
1972 und 1977
Teilnahme an der Documenta in Kassel und an der Biennale in Venedig.
Professor für Bildhauerei an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
Gründung des "Zentrums für Kontemplation" in Haan.
Seit 1981
zusätzliches Atelier und Wohnung in Los Angeles/USA.

← Zur Startseite
Düsseldorf, in the Volkspark, western entrance
Klaus Rinke
Height 6 meters
24 Station clocks on steel poles, stone slab
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW