Finnischer Granit / Finnish Granite
Ulrich Rückriem had been sharing a studio with Blinky Palermo in Mönchengladbach since 1969 when he completed this work made of two granite blocks in 1987. As with his other sculptures, his main concern was to help to express the inherent qualities of the stone through minimal intervention. When they were taken out of the quarry, the two blocks were divided into seven parts and then reassembled to the nearest millimeter.
In addition to the marks left behind from the stone masonry tools, the subdivisions are still visible from the fine lines between the reassembled pieces and break the block down into congruous proportions. These lines direct the viewer’s gaze outward into the surrounding space and onto the other stone block. Both blocks have been joined here without losing the inherent, massive qualities of the individual stone.
Ulrich Rückriem
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Mönchengladbach, Geropark, near the Münsterbasilika