Safety Cones (for Herford)

The Safety Cones at the Bergertor serve as the starting point to Fünf Tore / Fünf Orte, an art project designed to raise awareness of Herford’s neglected historic city gates. The historic gates have always served as points of departure and arrival, connecting the city to the rest of the world. As such, five international artists were invited to participate in the project, each representing a country with close economic ties to Herford.

Already considered a pioneer of land and body/performance art, Dennis Oppenheim began producing public sculptures in the 1990s. The Safety Cones (for Herford) represent conventional traffic cones that have been enlarged, making them look like sculptures or even architectural structures. This building-like appearance is underscored by blue windows that are lit at night, suggesting that the conical forms are dwellings. However, the intense orange color also signals danger, alerting viewers to keep their distance. As such, the work sparks questions about living in a city defined by transport and mobility.

Dennis Oppenheim

geboren in Electric City, Washington; 2011 gestorben in New York.
Oppenheim wohnte in Honolulu, Hawaii, wo er neben seiner Kunstproduktion als Bauarbeiter und im Public-Relation-Bereich tätig war.
Master-Abschluss an der Stanford University.
Umzug nach New York. Arbeit zunächst als Kunstlehrer an verschiedenen Schulen.
Erstes Earth-Work-Projekt zusammen mit den befreundeten Künstlern Robert Smithson und Michael Heizer. Gleichzeitig Hinwendung zur Body Art.
Erste Einzelausstellung in New York in der John Gibson Gallery.
Ausstellung in der Londoner Tate Gallery.
Seit Beginn der 1970er Jahren entstanden Großskulpturen und Installationen, in denen Oppenheim Baumaterialien, Stein, Holz und Metallsysteme kombinierte. Sein künstlerisches Schaffen, ausgehend von der Land- und Body-Art,  zeigt eine große Bandbreite im Medium Skulptur.

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Herford, at the intersection at Bergertor
Dennis Oppenheim
Height: 5.5 m, diameter ca. 2.7 m at the base
Fiberglass, steel, acrylic paint, acrylic glass, lighting
Object type
Light installations
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum NRW