Tor und Doppelwinkel / Gate and Double Angle

Friedrich Gräsel’s Gate and Double Angle is located in an open space beside a footpath near the humanities buildings at Ruhr-Universität. Constructed out of Eternit tubes, the two sculptural elements are positioned atop a paved surface so that the open Gate provides a view of the Double Angle.”
Formed out of industrially prefabricated materials, these autonomous sculptures create a relationship to each other and redefine their surroundings. Friedrich Gräsel’s work was presented as West Germany’s contribution to the 1972 Venice Biennale and then subsequently purchased for the Kunst am Bau ensemble at the Ruhr-Universität.
It was initially located south of the cafeteria, then was shown in Berlin in 1985 as part of the exhibition 1945–1985 Kunst in der Bundesrepublik, and then was finally installed in its current position.
Additional information:
Friedrich Gräsel
← Zur Startseite
Bochum, Ruhr-Universität, Westforum, Universitätsstraße 150